Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The perils of indifference

Elie Wiesel’s speech the perils of indifference relates his experience in the holocaust to that of world events at the time. He said that the world is indifferent no matter what is going on whether it be the holocaust during wwII or discrimination or genocide now. He explained that people are indifferent because then they take no part or responsibility for anything when they are indifferent.” Indifference is not a beginning, it is an end. And therefore, indifference is always friend of the enemy for it benefits the aggressor” this quote says how indifference can actually help your enemy, so the more indifferent you are to events the more you hurt your cause.

The story the lottery by Shirley Jackson is different than things that would happen nowadays I related it to being in a sports team, you try as hard as you can to get as far as you can in the team but if everyone is better or more lucky than you you’ll get cut. Just like if you’re drawn in the lottery you get cut out of the village. 

 The story “The Lottery” relates to the perils of indifference in they way that the villagers follow tradition and are indifferent to what the person that loses feels about what is happening to them. He explains that when you are indifferent it doesn’t matter what your being indifferent about it’s never an answer, “Even hatred at times may elicit a response. You fight it. You denounce it. You disarm it. Indifference elicits no response. Indifference is not a response.” The towns people are indifferent to the suffering of the person that lost because it is a cultural tradition to do so, that is like the people who were indifferent during the holocaust, they were told it was right so they didn’t care.

Perception is every thing

The theme of Beau Lotto's presentation is how every individual perceives every thing differently based upon their past experiences and knowledge. The theme of Beau Lotto’s presentation comes in play through out the art industry, when there is a large group of people looking at a piece of art the role of becoming a critic comes in play. Each individual critic will have different thoughts and opinions about the art because there life experiences are different. One critic may believe that the art is beautiful where as another critic can have negative opinions towards the art. This relates to Beau Lotto’s presentation in the way that every one perceives every thing differently.  

Monday, June 13, 2011

Road less traveled

I believe it is important to be passionate about your choice in career's because in order to enjoy your every day of being at this so called place work you will need to be passionate, I plan to go to college for my graphic design in order to find a career in the arts because it is what i enjoy. I plan to reach my goal by putting in my best effort as well with the money that is needed for the schooling.

Skate 3 game review

The story of the game involves you starting your own skateboard company. You get to design your skater, but also this company, and you can name it whatever you want. Most skateboarding games have followed the formula of you trying to go pro, so it's nice to see something new. Skate 3 really took the older games skate one and 2 and made it smoother but at the same time made it less realistic, the game seems to just be a spin off of the last two, it has many of the same kind of challenges and doesn’t do anything drastically new. One thing that peaks the interest of critics and players alike is the fact that you can build your own skate park and share it with your friends. Another thing people will enjoy about this game is the fact that anything you do in the career mode (competitions, S.K.A.T.E, and other such events) can also be done online as a single player or on a team. This makes the game enjoyable but its just too comparative to the other games to be anything special.

My rating: 7/10

DisneyLand Rant

Through out my trip to Disneyland It did not take long for my self to realize that the Disney characters had been replaced by strangers in a costume. As I walked through out the park of Disney land I saw several characters each playing the role of their characters to satisfy the children, deep down i thought to my self that this was not right because this so called Mickey mouse your child is hugging is actually a grown convict in a costume. No parent in their right mind would give the consent for their child to play with a stranger off the street, so why is it okay for their children to do it in the park of Disney land?.. Because people in our society today are sick and will do any thing for money even put their child's innocent mind's on the line. In conclusion this is why Disney characters should not be replaced by strangers trying to get a pay check.

Monday, June 6, 2011

daves 55 words

As the doors closed to our cramped cruise home i looked at my phone only to see that there was along wait ahead of my self. It was friday night and the group of hooligans who decided to join me were fallowed by the train police who then arrested me for my stash.

Monday, April 11, 2011

one superpower

If I could have one superpower this superpower would be having the capability to control time, I chose this superpower simply because it would benafit my life and my criminal skills. If I had this super power it would decrease the amount of petty crimes I do now and increase my wealth. Most people would look at my superpower with a negative aspect, that being said this would not bother me because it is a cold world. Starting a criminal spree would be easy. I would feel no emotions towards the victims that I have stolen from, for I would target major corporations and banks making my wealth increase. I would like to hide my superpower from the world because once the secret got out and into the media I would no longer be able to complete my illegal tasks. Through out these illegal tasks that i have organized, I would eventually get bored with all my riches and my wonderful life leaving me with nothing to do other then to end the world. My plot to end the world would consist of taking several nuclear warheads from the different countries in our world today and placing them on U.S soil. This would anger other countries therefore it would start WW3 and end the world due to a nuclear war. This is why I would choose the superpower of controling time.